Spirituality vs. Religion: The Crucial Differences You Should Know

What is the difference between spirituality and religion?


You may have come across people who say that they’re “spiritual but not religious” and wondered what the difference was. For many people, the word “spirituality” raises a lot of questions because it appears to be a mysterious and very wishy-washy word, as it is often portrayed in popular culture. Some confuse the phrase with religion. Though they may appear to be synonymous, spirituality and religion are distinct concepts. 


In this post, we will:


  • Define both terms
  • Outline five fundamental differences between spirituality and religion. 

As we’ll see, there are clear distinctions, and by the end of this read, you’ll be able to easily tell the difference.


Introduction to Spirituality and Religion

Put simply, spirituality is an individual, inner path marked by a lack of  rules, whereas religion is a collective practice built on established dogma.


It’s crucial to understand that both spirituality and religion serve to provide purpose to people in their pursuit of a deeper understanding of life. They greatly influence our beliefs, values and daily actions.


According to Abraham Maslow’s often forgotten peak of his hierarchy of needs, the search for meaning and spirituality is a fundamental human need. (Read a Big Think article on Maslow’s ideas on self-transcendence here, or his original paper on transcendence if you want to go deeper).


Individuals may lean toward religion, spirituality, or both, depending on their environment and personality. However, the pursuit of meaning and self-discovery is a universal goal. 

Defining Spirituality

Spirituality is a deeply personal quest for purpose and meaning that focuses on the inner self and soul. Spirituality can vary greatly amongst people and evolve over a person’s life.


Spiritual individuals focus on creating their path through personal experiences, figuring out their own truth without being taught by an institution or teacher. Rather than providing a set of pre-existing standards, this viewpoint supports the pursuit of individual answers.


The spiritual person is focused on gratitude and connection to others and the world. While some may believe in a higher power, such as „Spirit“ or simply „The Universe“, spirituality views this as an abstract idea within each human, including oneself.


Anything can be an expression of spirituality. Setting out to seek something greater than you is spirituality. Travel, reading, dancing – you name it. 


Defining Religion

Religion consists of organized practices between a community of people who share beliefs. Typically, the focus is on a single God or divinity. Religious leaders act as representatives of a higher institution. Rituals, moral norms, and behaviors are frequently practiced in religious traditions. Religion is limited to the boundaries of the belief, such as what the sacred text outlines.


Spirituality can include elements of religion, but it is a far broader concept. You can think of it that spirituality can contain religion within it but does not limit itself to it or even need to embrace it, but religion cannot exist without spirituality.


Having laid out this understanding of the two concepts, let’s look at the differences between spirituality and religion.

Infographic: 5 fundamental differences between spirituality and religion

5 Key Differences Between Spirituality and Religion

1. Communal vs. Individual

Religious practitioners gather regularly to engage in a common set of practices and rituals, placing significance on the value of community. It emphasizes established doctrines and organized ceremonies that unite believers under a common faith.


While spirituality can be practiced in groups, such as meditation circles, yoga practices, or in closed communities, it places less emphasis on communal behaviors than religion. The spiritual person can practice his or her belief in complete solitude without compromising the core of the practice.


2. External vs. Internal

Religion, to expand on the individual versus communal divide, is an adaption of external rules that is practiced in communities. These rules serve a moral purpose and maintains a social order. They are often found in books of scripture and practiced in designated places of worship such as churches or mosques.


Spirituality, on the other hand, involves a personal connection with something larger than oneself, as well as a deep understanding that there is more to life than meets the eye. This is often cultivated through meditation, solitary reflection, and introspection. The spiritual person actively participates in philosophical contemplation about themselves, their minds, their place in the world, and the nature of reality.


3.  Dogma vs. No Rules

Spirituality emphasizes introspection. Through individual experience one comes to their own conclusions and wisdoms, generating a broad spectrum of spiritual practices and beliefs that are all unique to each person. This means that there are no right or wrong way to practice, resulting in many paths to fulfillment and enlightenment. You are on a spiritual journey as long as you consider the presence of yourself in something larger.


In contrast, religion teaches structured guidelines and practices. The rites and rituals of religion are rarely subject to questioning. While some religions encourage personal inquiry, others are more orthodox and strict. Religion typically comes with moral codes, criteria, and rules that the followers are required to obey in order to guide their behavior. This can sometimes lead to a sense of obligation and, in some cases, fear.


4. Leadership vs. Personal

Spirituality has no institution or hierarchies. The groups that exist within spirituality are informal, such as retreats or circles. As we’ve explored, spirituality emphasizes individual autonomy and reflection.

Religious leadership, on the other hand, involves a more formalized and structured approach to guiding the community.


Religion often involves established leadership structures. Religious traditions often appoint leaders, such as priests, pastors, or spiritual guides, who serve as mediator between the divine and the religious followers. These leaders play an important role in guiding and developing the religious community, as well as interpreting sacred texts and leading important ceremonies.


5. Taught vs. Searched

Another fundamental difference is how one becomes religious or spiritual. Religion often entails existing doctrines that are passed down through the community and/or established institutions. It offers a clear foundation based on structured guidance.


Spirituality leans more into the personal search, encouraging questioning and exploration. It is a self-directed pursuit with more flexibility and freedom than the more structured, religious approach. The spiritual path and nature of each individual are unique and vary tremendously. Being spiritual is an ongoing process rather than a destination through the spiritual search of interior inquiry.


Similarities Between Spirituality and Religion

Spirituality and religion are not the same, nor are they completely separated. The two intersect at the crossroad of the connection to the transcendent and individual experiences shaping thoughts and actions.
Both religion and spirituality have a big positive impact on peoples individual well-being. It connects us to like-minded people, provides us with moral codes, helps us cope with life’s challenges, and encourages compassion and self-growth. They help us acknowledge not only our fleeting existence between birth and death, but reminds us to seek and connect with the divine, wether that is through the togetherness of singing a psalm or the beauty of a sunrise. 


Conclusion: Embracing Diversity

The pursuit of meaning, connection, and divinity is an inherent aspect of human nature. Spirituality and religion are two different ways to go about this search. Both are deeply personal and intimate journeys. Embracing compassion, understanding, and a ‘live and let live’ approach is key. 


When we open our hearts and minds, we reveal the true potential of ourselves and the beauty of the world. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery is one of the most important quests we will ever set out on. Never stop questioning, never stop being in awe of the universe, and stay tuned into love instead of separation and fear, and we shall all develop ourselves and humanity in a conscious way. 


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Jules ☾☼

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