about me

Do you yearn to find connection to yourself, others, and nature?

Do you feel a craving for more meaning, but don't know where to find it?

So nice to finally meet you!

Hey there, I’m Jules! Welcome to a community for all those who are interested in holistic health and the mystery of the mind.


Going back to my early teenage years I’ve been obsessed with the quest for knowledge in what else there is to life than what is presented, especially the big questions of consciousness and the meaning of life. A long journey through 30+ countries, years of different meditation and yoga practices, multiple voyages into the mind and a degree in Cognitive Science later, the journey has only begun.


Since I can remember I’ve been very analytical, which might seem like a contradiction to my more spiritual side. However, it is exactly here the power lies: being able to explain and bring in concepts that are often disregarded as „woo-woo“ through their scientific explanations to not dismiss important, helpful, and even life-changing ideas.


In this merging I’ve found and keep finding almost everything that brings meaning to humans, and this pattern keeps appearing. I’m therefore convinced that to heal, find peace, and become whole, we must integrate a vast range of disciplines to see where the common factors lie and what we find when we boil everything down to essentials.


Whether you’re here for personal growth, a never-ending spiritual journey, a quest for mental health and personal development, or finding building pieces needed to be able to configure your own idea of a meaningful, healthy, and fulfilling life – I’m excited to have you here on it!


xx, Jules

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