Understanding your Womanhood: the Moon and the Seasons
The Secrets of the 4 Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle
Women go through cycles of four seasons daily, monthly, and in life. These seasons affect our social, mental, and physical life. To live in harmony with ourselves as women, we need to learn how to embrace...
Mountain and moon
What is the Goal of Life? Rethinking the Question
What do you want to do with your life? Take a moment to consider what first comes to mind when you hear this question.   Googling the question, you get pages filled with career quizzes and tips for figuring...
Market Vietnam
How Travel Changes Your Perspective on the Mundane
Ever wondered why a routine task such as travel grocery shopping becomes an adventure when abroad? The answer can be found in the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity. Have you ever found yourself loving...
Conscious christmas
8 Tips for a More Peaceful and Conscious Christmas
Every year, Christmas swoops in faster without warning and takes us with it. It is the season of abundance–in food, decorations, drinks–but this can tear and wear not only on our mental health, but also...
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